
Thursday 18 April 2024

April Sound Healing Evenings

Our Sound Healing Evenings are so relaxing and cosy, we have held some great evenings recently with more to come this month.

I supply yoga mats, duvets, cushions, eye cushions and filtered water.  You are welcome to bring anything else to make your evening cosy.

Sound waves are created by the quartz crystal bowl and koshi bells.  Sound waves along with their frequency and vibration really help us with our wellbeing, relaxation and sleep.

During the evening your body will fully relax, your breath will slow down and your mind will quieten.

Sound Healing is the use of healing frequencies to essentially 'tune us' and shift us back into balance and harmony again.  When the crystal singing bowls are played, the healing frequencies emitted from the bowls, locate the less harmonious frequencies within us and work to shift the disharmony back into harmony again.  (Harmonies may have shifted for many reasons, physical, mental, emotional or spiritual).

Each class runs for 75 minutes and costs £13

Our upcoming classes with spaces are:

Tuesday 23 April
Sunday 28 April
Tuesday 7 May

7:30pm - 8:45pm


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