
Friday, 28 February 2020

Pen & Wash Class

Friday started with a brief covering of snow, but it had all gone before our Pen & Wash class started.

The theme was A Spanish Port, and Claire had chosen a lovely colourful image from Port Sa Playa in Valencia.

The artists used permanent pen to create their sketch, using their imagination and creativity to capture the essence of the original.

A light wash of watercolour paint was added at the end, the idea is not to 'colour it in', but to add splashes and hints of colour.

We enjoyed beautiful sunshine for most of the day.

Delicious pudding today, a jaffa cake ice cream loaf cake!

One of our artists captured this lovely photo of Spring blossom from the garden before she left.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Thursday, 27 February 2020

Tulips Watercolour

The sun was shining and we enjoyed a colourful day studying and painting Tulips with watercolour.

Beautiful backgrounds and gorgeous flowers

Lunch was Saffron & Honey chicken with braised split peas and this colourful Red Cabbage and Quinoa salad

Thursday, 6 February 2020

AromaYoga - Women's Health

We enjoyed a lovely evening last night with Rachel, a very relaxing and gentle yin yoga practice whilst using and inhaling various essential oils.

Rachel spoke about the various oils and their benefits for Women's Health, whether that was menstrual cycle, infertility, peri menopause and menopause.

Fascinating stuff!

After our practice, which always ends under a duvet in a relaxing savasana pose, we enjoyed some delicious nibbles and warming drinks.

Rachel had brought a selection of oils with her

and had also created a fantastic oil spray for Hot Flushes!

We discussed great places to find information and support, such as the books below:

Period Power by Maisie Hill

The Essential Oils Hormone Solution by Dr Mariza Snyder

Two of my favourites are

The Good Menopause by Liz Earle
(great website lizearlewellbeing)

Menopause by Dr Louise R Newson
(great website menopausedoctor)

Rachel returns for a Sacral Chakra AromaYoga workshop on Wednesday
4 March
7pm - 9pm
(2 places available)