
Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Summer Cookery

The final class of term was delicious. Vanessa had some great ideas that were bright and summery as well as quick and easy to put together.

The Meringue ice cream was delicious, our other pudding was a Raspberry and Cinnamon Streusel Muffin Cake. We used the recipe to make muffins for taking home after the class, the crumbly topping with toasted hazelnuts was lovely.

We also had a wonderful bread, perfect scallops, more-ish thai salmon and pretty salads, served with a chilled Rose wine.

Have a great Summer, I will be emailing out Autumn dates shortly, if there are any you are interested to know more about just email me ( or call 01635 44850. Some dates are on the website already:

Monday, 22 June 2009

Off to Uni - Student Cookery Classes

I will be running some Student Cookery classes over the summer holidays for 6th formers off to University.

They will be run as a one day class, to provide students with the skills and knowledge needed to help feed themselves away from home. It starts with basic culinary skills, food hygiene, useful equipment, delicious recipes and a great lunch of all the food cooked during the morning.

The dates are: Thursday 30 July, Tuesday 11 August and Friday 11 September.

Timings are: 10am until approximately 3pm

Cost: £55 - this includes all the ingredients, refreshments, lunch, recipes and information pack.

To book call me on 01635 44850.

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Fantastic Flowers!

A very pink and summery day (despite the wet weather!).

Susanna did some stunning arrangements today, which as you can see had little twists, such as the peonies and marshmallow cube.

After the conditioning flowers tips and some demonstrating, it was everyone's turn to make something. There was a choice of cube or tall vase today, that could be covered in fabric, crepe paper, leaves or ribbon (Susanna told us she kept bits of ribbon, incase they came in useful, and then appeared with 3 tubs full!) Everyone attempted the hand-tied posy and understood the phrase 'all fingers and thumbs'!

We had peonies, roses, sweet smelling sweet peas, hydraengas and a variety of garden foliage.

After lunch and coffee, Susanna created the amazing strawberry centrepiece, it looked absolutely stunning.

Susanna will be back on Tuesday 1st and Wednesday 2nd December for Christmas Flowers.

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Little Gems Watercolour Day

We had a great day today. The title was 'Little Gems'; Claire had us painting little pictures, as opposed to an all day painting. She had us thinking quickly, sometimes with no pencil sketch beforehand to produce little snapshot paintings.

Claire showed us her sketchbook, full of great little images of trees, flowers, animals, (great cats and chickens) and showed us that having a book of ideas helps you produce your masterpiece later on.

The weather was so gorgeous Claire had to hunt for artists in the grounds, and helped us with painting walls, putting in shadows, getting vibrancy of colour etc.

The kitchen was full of great little paintings at 3pm.

Lunch was delicious pork chops with a strawberry and balsamic glaze and a very summery Lemon Meringue Icecream Cake!

Monday, 1 June 2009

New Watercolour Dates!

Claire and I have got the new dates together for future Watercolour days, they are:

Tuesday 22 September - Art for Beginners
Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 September - Art Masterclass (for intermediates/advanced)
Friday 16 October - Coastal Scenes
Monday 16 November - Winter Scenes
Tuesday 24 November - Winter Scenes

The days run from 9.30am - approx 3pm, and cost £65. This includes all the materials, a 2 course lunch, glass of wine, refreshments and home made biscuits throughout the day.

Email me to reserve your place: